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AMD (formerly Xilinx) FPGAs: Part 1 Setup and Logic Simulation

In this first part of the tutorial series, you will be setting up the CI environment to run logic simulation. You will learn how to set up and configure your continuous integration software to work with Vivado projects.


Setting up your Vivado project

Creating a new Vivado project

  1. Ensure that your Development Board is connected to your machine that is currently running BeetleboxCI.
  2. In Vivado, create a new project. Choose File > Project > New....
  3. In the New Project window, hit Next >. Then name the project ci_for_fpgas and choose where you wish to store the project. Then click Next >.
  4. For Project Type select RTL Project
  5. For Default Part select Boards and then selectArty A7 100 and click Next. You may need to download the files if you have not done so previously.
  6. In New Project Summary, click Finish. Let Vivado finish creating the files.

Creating your full adder design

Now you have created your project, you need to create a simple adder design to synthesize. If you have your own designs that you want to try, you can use them instead of creating a new one.

  1. Under Project Manager, click Add Sources. In the Add Sources window, select Add or create design sources and then click Next.
  2. In the next window click Create File and select VHDL for File Type. For File name, provide Adder. Then select OK and then click Finish.
  3. A Define Module window should appear. Select OK.
  4. In the Sources tab, under Design Sources click adder then use the following code to implement a full adder:
library IEEE;

entity adder is
Port ( A : in STD_LOGIC;
end adder;

architecture Behavioral of adder is
S <= A xor B xor CIN;
COUT <= (A and B) or (CIN and (A xor B));

end Behavioral;

Creating the Testbench

The very first stage of any FPGA testing is to simulate the design. To do this we need to provide a testbench for our adder:

  1. Under Project Manager, click Add Sources. In the Add Sources window, select Add or create simulation sources and then click Next.
  2. In the next window click Create File and select VHDL for File Type. For File name, provide adder_testbench. Then select OK and then click Finish.
  3. In the Define Module window, click OK.
  4. In the Sources tab, under Simulation Sources click adder_testbench then place the following code in for our testbench:
library IEEE;

entity adder_testbench is
end adder_testbench;

architecture Behavioral of adder_testbench is

component adder
Port ( A : in STD_LOGIC;
end component;

signal signal_A : STD_LOGIC :='0';
signal signal_B : STD_LOGIC :='0';
signal signal_CIN : STD_LOGIC :='0';
signal signal_S : STD_LOGIC;
signal signal_COUT : STD_LOGIC;


dut: component adder
port map (
A => signal_A,
B => signal_B,
CIN => signal_CIN,
S => signal_S,
COUT => signal_COUT

process begin
wait for 10ns;
signal_A <= '1';
signal_B <= '0';
wait for 2ns;
assert signal_S = '1';
assert signal_COUT = '0';
wait for 8ns;
signal_A <= '0';
signal_B <= '1';
wait for 2ns;
assert signal_S = '1';
assert signal_COUT = '0';
wait for 8ns;
signal_A <= '1';
signal_B <= '1';
wait for 2ns;
assert signal_S = '0';
assert signal_COUT = '1';
wait for 8ns;
assert 0 = 1;
wait for 10ns;
end process stimulus;
end Behavioral;

The testbench is relatively simple. It instantiates the adder component and then connects to its inputs and outputs. Afterwards it begins the stimulus process which waits for 10 ns before driving signal_A and signal_B. It then checks the outputs of signal_S and signal_COUT through assert statements. It then repeats the process with different stimulus values. At the very end, there is the line assert 0=1;. This is to deliberately trigger an error and you will see how to handle errors in CI later in this tutorial.

Running your testbench

Now that you have your testbench, it is time to test it out.

  1. On the left-hand column of Vivado, click Run Simulation under Simulation. Then click Run Behavioral Simulation. This will open up the Simulation tab that will look like the following: Getting started AMD FPGA 01
  2. In the toolbar, change the run for time to 60ns and then press the Run For button: Getting started AMD FPGA 02
  3. Your simulation should now run for 60ns and should look like this: Getting started AMD FPGA 03 The TCL console should report an assertion violation:
run 60 ns
Error: Assertion violation
Time: 40 ns Iteration: 0 Process: /adder_testbench/stimulus File: <your_directory>/ci_for_fpgas/ci_for_fpgas.srcs/sim_1/new/adder_testbench.vhd

You now have a design and testbench that you can run in a ci pipeline.

Setting up your Git repository

Now you have your project, it is time to initialize the Git repository and push it to GitHub. For every project, it is recommended to set up the Git repository from the very beginning to make it easier to track changes and share your project.

For this tutorial, you will be using GitHub, but BeetleboxCI supports a variety of Git repo providers that you may wish to use instead.

  1. Git repositories should only contain source files, but Vivado produces a lot of different files during the simulation process that you need to filter out. To do this, create a new file in your project directory called .gitignore and place the following in it:
# Blocklist files/folders in same directory as the .gitignore file

# Includelist some files

# Include xpr and srcs

# Include user generated tcl scripts

This configuration will ignore all files except for the project file, source files, and specified exceptions.

  1. Create a new repository on GitHub, call it amd-fpga-ci-tutorial, and make sure to leave it empty (don't add a readme). Here is a guide from GitHub. You should see the following screen: getting_started_avr_setting_up_04
  2. Follow the …or create a new repository on the command line instructions using your project. Launch a terminal in the directory of your project and run the following commands:
git init
git add .
git commit -m "first commit"
git branch -M main
git remote add origin
git push -u origin main
  1. In GitHub, you should see your files added to your repository. Getting started AMD FPGA 04

Creating a tcl script for your testbench

When you run your TCL script for your testbench, you typically use the Vivado interface. However, you cannot use this interface when running a CI pipeline. However, Vivado is designed so that every action has a corresponding TCL command. You will now create a tcl script that runs the simulation and place it in your git repository.

  1. In your project folder, create a new folder called tcl_scripts.
  2. In Vivado, select File > Text Editor > New File and then create a new file called run_sim.tcl. Then click save.
  3. Copy the following into run_sim.tcl:
open_project ci_for_fpgas.xpr
set_property -name {xsim.simulate.log_all_signals} -value {true} -objects [get_filesets sim_1]
run 60 ns

This script does the actions you performed earlier in Vivado as a repeatable script. 4. Update your Git repository to include this file by executing the following commands in your terminal:

git add .
git commit -m "Added tcl script"
git push

Linking the Git Repository

Now you have your Git repo ready, you can link it to GitHub. For this step, if you have not already done so, you will need to link your GitHub account to BeetleboxCI.

  1. Open up BeetleboxCI on your web browser and click the Pipelines page. On this page, select Create Pipeline at the bottom.
  2. On the Create New Pipeline page, search for your repo on the GitHub tab and select Create Pipelinegetting-started-amd-fpga-05
  3. You will be greeted by the Set up pipeline config for amd-fpga-ci-tutorial popup. Click yes and then select the main branch. This will create a .bbx/config.yaml file in the branch.
  4. You will then be met with the Empty Config File popup. Select no because you will be pasting in your own config file.
  5. Copy the following pipeline into the blank config file. You need to replace <path_to_xilinx_tools_directory by default this is /tools/Xilinx> and <path_to_vivado_installation_directory by default this is /tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2023.1/> in Run Simulation with your Vivado installation location as well as version number. Then click Save and commit.
# Define a runner that will be used to run a job

# Define a job to be performed during a workflow
# Specify the runner used to perform this job
runner: ubuntu-runner
- ci_for_fpgas.sim/
- mount:
name: volume1
path: <path_to_xilinx_tools_directory by default this is /tools/Xilinx>

# Define one or more steps to execute commands as part of the job
- run:
name: Initalise vivado environment
command: |
apt-get update
apt-get install locales
locale-gen "en_US.UTF-8"
update-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8
- run:
name: Run Simulation
command: |
cd <path_to_vivado_installation_directory by default this is /tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2023.1/>
cd $HOME
vivado -mode batch -source tcl_scripts/run_sim.tcl | tee simulation_output.txt
- run:
name: Parse simulation for errors
command: |
# Path to the file to be checked
# Check if the file exists
if [[ ! -f "$FILE_PATH" ]]; then
echo "File does not exist: $FILE_PATH"
exit 1
# Search for the phrase "Error: Assertion violation" in the file
if grep -q "Error: Assertion violation" "$FILE_PATH"; then
echo "Error: Assertion violation found in file."
exit 1
echo "No assertion violations found. Passing."
exit 0

# Define a workflow to orchestrate a job
- run-sim-job

  1. Once committed you will be redirected to the pipeline page, you may be greeted by an error saying that no pipeline has been found. If this is the case then click the refresh button that will reload the config file. You should now be greeted by the following pipeline: getting-started-amd-fpga-06

  2. Click the Run Workflow play button on the right-hand side and click Yes in response to the warning. This will now launch your pipeline and should fail with a red cross. You now have run your first FPGA simulation pipeline. getting-started-amd-fpga-07

  3. You can see the results of your pipeline by clicking on the name of the workflow run-sim-workflow then on the workflow page clicking the job run-sim-job. This will take you to the job page. In this job page, you can view all the steps and their logs. The step Parse simulation for errors should have failed. getting-started-amd-fpga-08 The log tells us that the simulation has an assertion violation found in the file:

# Path to the file to be checked
# Check if the file exists
if [[ ! -f "$FILE_PATH" ]]; then
echo "File does not exist: $FILE_PATH"
exit 1
# Search for the phrase "Error: Assertion violation" in the file
if grep -q "Error: Assertion violation" "$FILE_PATH"; then
echo "Error: Assertion violation found in file."
exit 1
echo "No assertion violations found. Passing."
exit 0
Error: Assertion violation found in file.

Explaining your pipeline.

Now that you have the pipeline running, you can take a deeper look at how the simulation is being executed. Each pipeline consists of multiple workflows. You can think of a workflow as a single automated process from source code to deliverable code.

# Define a workflow to orchestrate a job
- run-sim-job

In this case, you have a single workflow called run-sim-workflow. Each workflow will then run one or more jobs. A job is a series of tasks that are to be run on a single independent execution environment known as a container. Every job will run independently and in parallel with one another until BeetleboxCI runs out of processing capacity. In the run-sim-workflow, you have a single job to run called run-sim-job:


# Define a job to be performed during a workflow
# Specify the runner used to perform this job
runner: ubuntu-runner

In the jobs section, you can define the type of container in which the job is going to execute, known as a runner. You can define a runner in the runners section. Each runner must have an image and you can think of an image as a snapshot in time of a pre-built container. In this case, there is a single runner called ubuntu-runner and that runner is using the image This is a pre-built container that has a generic version of Ubuntu Linux attached.

- ci_for_fpgas.sim/
- mount:
name: volume1
path: <path_to_xilinx_tools_directory by default this is /tools/Xilinx>

You also will want access to the simulation files so that you can check the waveforms if something goes wrong. To do this, you can use the output keyword, followed by artifact. An artifact is just a folder or file that you want to store in the artifact repository. In this case, you want to store the folder ci_for_fpgas.sim/, which contains the simulation folder and the waveforms.

For the container to run Vivado, it needs to have access to it. To gain access, you can mount the folder where Vivado is installed on your host machine. To mount, you use the volume keyword followed by - mount. You then need to provide a name for the volume volume1 followed by the directory where your Xilinx tools are stored. By default this is /tools/Xilinx. Note that volumes are read-only and that the container may not write to this path.

- run:
name: Initalise vivado environment
command: |
apt-get update
apt-get install locales
locale-gen "en_US.UTF-8"
update-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8

You are now onto the steps section of the pipeline. Each job runs a series of sequential steps. To use Vivado, you first must update the locale of Vivado to en_US.UTF8.

   - run:
name: Run Simulation
command: |
cd <path_to_vivado_installation_directory by default this is /tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2023.1/>
cd $HOME
vivado -mode batch -source tcl_scripts/run_sim.tcl | tee simulation_output.txt

To run Vivado, you need to first source its file, which is located in the installation directory of Vivado. You then use cd $HOME to return to a directory where there is write access. You can now run the script you created for simulation through Vivado's batch mode through vivado -mode batch -source tcl_scripts/run_sim.tcl. The | tee simulation_output.txt command allows you to write the output of Vivado to simulation_output.txt and to the terminal simultaneously. You can then parse tee simulation_output.txt to see if any assertion errors have occurred.

   - run:
name: Parse simulation for errors
command: |
# Path to the file to be checked
# Check if the file exists
if [[ ! -f "$FILE_PATH" ]]; then
echo "File does not exist: $FILE_PATH"
exit 1
# Search for the phrase "Error: Assertion violation" in the file
if grep -q "Error: Assertion violation" "$FILE_PATH"; then
echo "Error: Assertion violation found in file."
exit 1
echo "No assertion violations found. Passing."
exit 0

To parse the simulation, you can use this script to check simulation_output.txt. As observed in the logs, this script outputs Error: Assertion violation found in file., if an assertion error is found in the log; otherwise, it indicates success.

Getting your pipeline to succeed.

Now that you have seen how to catch assertion errors, you can change your testbench to prevent the assertion error from occurring.

  1. Change your adder_testbench.vhd to comment out assert 0=1. Make sure to add, commit and push this file back to your Git repo.

library IEEE;

entity adder_testbench is
-- Port ( );
end adder_testbench;

architecture Behavioral of adder_testbench is

component adder
Port ( A : in STD_LOGIC;
end component;

signal signal_A : STD_LOGIC :='0';
signal signal_B : STD_LOGIC :='0';
signal signal_CIN : STD_LOGIC :='0';
signal signal_S : STD_LOGIC;
signal signal_COUT : STD_LOGIC;


dut: component adder
port map (
A => signal_A,
B => signal_B,
CIN => signal_CIN,
S => signal_S,
COUT => signal_COUT

process begin
wait for 10ns;
signal_A <= '1';
signal_B <= '0';
wait for 2ns;
assert signal_S = '1';
assert signal_COUT = '0';
wait for 8ns;
signal_A <= '0';
signal_B <= '1';
wait for 2ns;
assert signal_S = '1';
assert signal_COUT = '0';
wait for 8ns;
signal_A <= '1';
signal_B <= '1';
wait for 2ns;
assert signal_S = '0';
assert signal_COUT = '1';
wait for 8ns;
-- assert 0 = 1;
wait for 10ns;
end process stimulus;

end Behavioral;
  1. Rerun your pipeline and it should now succeed:


Opening up your simulation.

You can also open the simulation to check the waveforms by downloading the simulation folder.

  1. You can download the folder by going to the artifacts section and selecting the run-sim-job_4917.tar.gz download button. getting-started-amd-fpga-10
  2. Extract the folder and find the adder_testbench_behav.wdb file. This contains our waveform.
  3. To open it up, go back to Vivado GUI and then in the toolbar select Flow > Open Static Simulation... and in the new window select adder_testbench_behav.wdb. This will open the wave database. getting-started-amd-fpga-11
  4. To see the waveforms in the Objects tab select the signals and right-click Add to wave window. This will display the resulting signals that you can then examine. getting-started-amd-fpga-12


In this section, you have:

  • Created a new Vivado project for an Arty A7-100.
  • Created a basic full adder and a corresponding testbench.
  • Set up a git repositoy and pushed the Vivado project to it.
  • Created a tcl file to automatically run the project.
  • Linked the repo with BeetleboxCI and ran the tcl file.
  • Learned how to parse the generated report for assertion errors.
  • Downloaded waveforms and displayed them using the Vivado GUI.

In the next section, you will learn how to synthesize the hardware and run tests on your FPGA device.