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Quick Start — Hello World Example

Now you have installed BeetleboxCI, you can get started with the basics of BeetleboxCI by getting a pipeline to print Hello World.

Git Repository

Beetlebox provides an example repository for getting started here Beetlebox Hello World Tutorial.

It contains a folder called .bbx, which has a config.yaml file inside.

This file contains the following code:

image: ubuntu
resource_spec: micro
runner: example-runner
current_working_directory: ~/
- hello.txt
- run:
name: Say Hello World
command: echo "Hello World"
- run:
name: Text Hello World
command: echo "Hello World" > hello.txt

- hello-world

As a summary, this code tells BeetleboxCI to run a job that prints "Hello World" to both a terminal and a text file. Further on in the documentation, the exact details of these how the config.yaml file works is discussed in detail.

Create your first pipeline

Now that you have a code repository to work with, it is time to create a pipeline using it. In your BeetleboxCI application, you will be greeted by the following screen: helloworldsplashscreen

To make your first pipeline please perform the following steps:

  1. Click 'Create pipeline'
  2. In the following screen, fill in the following:
  • Pipeline Name: hello-world

  • Repository URL:

    As this is a public repository, you do not need to specify any authentication information and these fields can be left blank.

  1. Click proceed. You will now be redirected to the pipelines page where you can see the pipeline that you just created.
  2. On the pipelines page, click hello-world so see the workflows in this pipeline
  3. Click the run (play button symbol) button on the top right hand corner of the workflows list. The pipeline will begin running and it should complete in under a minute.
  4. You will see "Passed" on the hello-world pipeline once it has completed.

Viewing our output

  1. You can also check our logs to make sure the output is correct. To do this, click on the pipeline name hello-world.


  1. In this page you will be able to view the workflows of the hello-world pipeline. There will be a single workflow named hello-world-workflow, which will take us to the jobs that make up that workflow.


  1. In the jobs page, you may view the jobs that are used in the hello-world-workflow. Click on the job name hello-world


  1. From here, you will be able to view details about the job, including an overview of its status as well as logs and artifacts generated by this job.


  1. By checking out the Log, you can see the generated logs by the job. In this case, you will be able to see that the job has successfully outputted the Hello World message.


Congratulations you have run your first pipeline!

What's next?